Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It's good to finally know the truth!

Well, now that the Da Vinci Code has blown the lid off the church, I think we should look at other movies that have questioned our most dearly held beliefs.

Personally, I've always thought that the Holy Grail was pretty much legend or lost to history. But now that I can trust novelists and the movies to teach me history, I'm pretty sure Indiana Jones was a real person and he DID, in fact, find the cup of Christ. I mean all the details are there. There was a secret Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword who had been guarding the secret of the cup for centuries. The tomb of one of the 3 brother knights guarding the cup was found and has secret clues to the hidden location. And we saw proof of those clues when Indiana Jones found the last brother living because he had sustained from the cup all these years.

I mean how can it get any plainer than that?

So when it comes to the Da Vinci Code, obviously, those wacky Christians have been hiding the truth all these years and didn't see fit to add the Gnostic Gospels to the canonized books of the New Testament because they want to suppress the truth. Never mind that the Gnostic Gospels are written some 200 years after the time of Christ. I mean, if you want to know the truth about George Washington, would you want to read the accounts of his life that were written by his contemporaries, or would you more likely trust the accounts of his life written up by people alive today? And we can be certain that the Priory of Sion is legit because we have the documented letters of incorporation for that organization dated in 1956 by the goofball who founded the group. Who also, by the way, forged some documents which he hid and later discovered which proved he was the descendant of Christ and thus, the true King of France. Never mind that he confessed it was all a hoax on his death bed. I mean, it's all starting to make sense now.

And heck, we know that Opie and Forrest Gump are too honest to lie to us. They MUST be giving us the straight truth.

Oh, by the way, just the same as when you see it in the movies, if you see it on TV, it's also always true. I mean, for all these years, we thought Gilligan's Island was just a sit com. Who knew it was real?


Anonymous said...

Gilligan never said "everything in this book is real" like Dan Brown did. Funny, how just a cartoon about Moe created riots, but you can blast the foundations of Christianity and it's okay. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

Infidels! You dare insult the prophet and expect not to have consequence! A pox on your loins, may the fleas from 1000 camels infect your short hairs!

Dave said...

Always good to hear from you, Moe. How're the other stooges doing these days?