Monday, December 17, 2007

Merry CHRISTmas from Mike Huckabee

Hey, what a concept! Did anyone out there know that Christ had anything to do with Christmas!?! I never knew that there was a religious component to the "Holiday Season!" Who knew!?! Seems like the media is all besides themselves with issues of a floating cross being used in a Christmas message about Christ!

CBS Early Show with Mike Huckabee

More great stuff to hear from the Governor...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Governor Huckabee in a Private Home in NH

This is a VERY amateur video. The video and sound quality is very poor by broadcast standards. However, it's a great way to get a feel for what it's like to see and hear the Governor up close and personal. I especially like the points he makes at about 10 minutes and then later at 13 minutes into the video. Try to get past the quality and listen to the message.

By the way, I think the point he makes at 37:40 in the video (you'll have to listen to a couple of minutes before to get the context) highlights one of his most valuable personal strengths. This man is a communicator much in the same way Ronald Reagan was. I think Mike Huckabee will be the ONLY member of the GOP to use the Bully Pulpit to get the job done ... no matter what the Democrats try to do to block him. He NEEDS to be our next president!