Then can someone tell me why the new paid-for-in-American-blood Afghanistan government wants to put a converted Christian man to death for the highly offensive crime of leaving the Muslim faith for the Christian faith? He can't even get a Bible in his cell, yet we provide Korans and religious liberties for the terrorists in captivity who request them.
Is this newly minted democracy really a front for an Islamic theocracy? And is this the kind of pay back a Western (and predominantly Christian) nation can expect for all the G.I. blood spilled to free it from Taliban hegemony?
In the West, we have Mosques, Hindu temples, pagan shrines, wickens and what have you peppered through out our communities. No body is calling for the death penalty when they make converts within our borders. But Christians are being slaughtered all over the world in Islamic nations ... and now maybe in a country newly freed by soldiers (many of them Christians) who died for their new freedoms.
I'm sorry, but it has yet to be proven to me that Islam is a religion of peace. And I have grave concerns about the build up of Muslims within our Western borders. Sure, they come in under a banner of peace now, and I would guess that most of them wish to live quiet lives in a free West. But as they metastasize in numbers and political clout with Imams who, more or less, run the show -- who also AREN'T so peaceful and seem to make the "peaceful ones" clam up -- what might we see in 20 or 30 or 50 years?
Don't expect to see the Mongol hoards crashing at the gates. That's old school. Heck, our gates aren't even locked. The downfall is going to come from within, while we sleep dreaming our sweet dreams of tolerance.
As I told Marwan yesterday, the infidels may figure out our plan, and try and stop us. This would be bad. Camel Dung on you, foreigner scum!
Aziz shut up! You are risking our Virgins, camel breath! Ours is a religion of peace for all of those who we don't kill.
I think your assessment is brilliant, unrefutable, genius and pretty good too.
Dumkoff! Nein thinkin in yer noggin! Das matters of lifen and deathen ut muuch mare important than das sexen stuffen. On the other hand, vot do you look like?
Dumkoff! Nein thinkin in yer noggin! Das matters of lifen and deathen ut muuch mare important than das sexen stuffen. On the other hand, vot do you look like?
sexier than your wildest dreams!
Why do you think I move here to Vegas?
I really like Germanmen... they are fun to lighten up!
Hey! This is a serious commentary page, not a pick up Bar! Damn, kids, get a room and leave the thinking to the adults!!
The essential quandry of phenomenological discourse of such a subjective epistomology is obvious cognitive dissonence between diverse feelings and opinions, especially when one is pregnant with emotional viewpoints being assaulted by logical linear thinking. And you can quote me on that!
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