Groan ... the femi-Nazi PC police are at it again.
Some male radio talk show host got into trouble for having the temerity to mention that Imette St. Guillen, the co-ed who was brutally murdered in New York a few days ago, "invited" the fate that happened upon her.
Women's groups all over are jumping on this guy's back for laying ANY of the blame at her feet. "She has a right to go anywhere she wants at any time day or night!" ... is the war cry from these NOW rejects.
Yeah, well, I have the right to go surfing in 60-foot waves over rocky coral reefs in the middle of the night if I want to do that too. But it ain't necessarily a smart thing to do. Especially since I don't know how to surf.
Face it ladies, if you go drinking with your co-ed buddies at 4AM in the morning, then wander off drunk and alone in a bad section of town, you may be "inviting" disaster. And you will most certainly make an "inviting" target.
No one has the RIGHT to harm you. The scum that killed this beautiful young lady is 100% to blame for his actions. But WAKE UP! In the real world, there are predators who will use the opportunity to hurt you if you give it to them! We do not live in utopia! You have the "right" to walk down a dark alley with one-hundred dollar bills hanging out of your pockets, but if you want to keep them, you might want to rethink your rights vs. common sense.
So get off your high horses and stop moaning about the right to do anything your precious little hearts desire, and get a grip on the real world and it's dangers.
By the way, why aren't these feminists up in arms about the term "co-ed" being used in the media? Doesn't that stand for "co-educational?" Isn't a male college student just as co-ed as a female?
Yeah, right ... now I'm opening up ANOTHER can of worms.
You would think that Natalie in Aruba taught us that attractive women can't push their luck with strangers late at night while smashed. How sad.
And worse yet, this last chick was studying criminal law. So it's not like she didn't understand the criminal mind. It was more like she was playing Russian roulette and lost big time.
Don?t get me wrong ... I hope the scum that did this to her gets the chair on low voltage and dies from 3rd degree burns. But this girl was playing with an one armed bandit who had a loaded gun.
Are you saying that I can't wear miniskirts and low cut tops and be a liberated drunken female just because it is 4am. in a bad neighborhood? Chauvenist!
I don't think anyone would want to see you in a mini skirt, dear doctor...
Omigosh! My wife is using my computer again!!!
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