Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Something NEW to worry about...

Anyone my age remembers the old Chevy Chase & Gilda Radner SNL skit about the Land Shark. If you're not familiar with it, Chevy Chase plays the part of shark that has somehow found out how to walk on land. The rest of it goes something like this ...

  1. Chevy (hidden behind closed door): KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!
  2. Gilda: [ moves to chain-locked door ] Who is it?
  3. Chevy: [ muffled voice ] Mrs. Ramilarghh??
  4. Gilda: Who is it?
  5. Chevy: [ muffled voice ] Plumber..
  6. Gilda: Plumber? I didn't ask for a plumber. Who is it?
    Chevy: [ muffled voice ] Telegram.
  7. Gilda: Oh. Telegram. Just a moment.

Upon opening the door, a huge puppet shark instantly and deviously devours Gilda Radner.

Well, once again, life has imitated art. Apparently a local bear in the town of Gerovo in western Croatia has discovered he can con an innocent party into answering the door simply by knocking. Once inside, he does what bears do best -- scares the bejeebers out of the human occupants and raids the pantry of the quickly evacuated premises.

It isn't bad enough I have to hang my food on the highest tree limb when I go camping, now I gotta worry about seeing bears thru my front door's peep hole. You gotta know that if ONE bear has figured this out now, there's another bear somewhere else putting the news on the Internet for all the other bears to share the wealth. I mean, if wildlife can knock on doors now, it's just a matter of time before they figure out the Net if they haven't already.

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