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Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Saturday, March 08, 2008
But we wanted Mike Huckabee to win!

All this to say, I know intimately what it's like to be church person from the inside. So I can understand and share the disappointment many evangelicals feel now that Mike Huckabee won't be in the White House next January.
In fact, the Huckabee campaign was the FIRST and ONLY political campaign I've ever donated money to.
Yes, it's disappointing that Huckabee will not be our next president ... but it's NOT the end of the world! Yet when I've talked with some other Christians who have supported the Huckabee campaign, incredulously they are whining and moaning like the babies in this photo. I'm hearing comments like, "Well, then I'm just gonna write-in Mike Huckabee in November!" ... or ... "I can't possibly vote for McCain ... so I'm going to teach the GOP a lesson for rejecting Mike Huckabee." I even heard one guy say, "God has turned his back on America!"
My dear Christian friends, if those are your sentiments, then this message is for you.
If, like a spoiled child who can't get his or her way, you take your ball and go home next November ... then you might as well be putting a big red "X" on the ballot for Hillary or Obama.
It has to be understood, I am NOT a member of the GOP because I believe God sent it as a gift to Christian politics. I'm only a member of the GOP because it most closely aligns with my personal and political beliefs. Even Mike Huckabee himself has stated he's only a member of the GOP for the same reasons. Yet I'm quite sure he has not gotten every piece of his desired legislation approved during his 10 and a half years as Governor, but obviously he didn't quit the GOP because he didn't get his way.
GET A GRIP CHRISTIANS! We are NOT voting for pastor in November 2008!! We are simply using the political process available for us to use. Which is the same political process Mike Huckabee has used all his political life; and I'm quite certain will still use in years to come. The man is only 52, he's got a long political life ahead of him.
Yet, do you see Mike Huckabee crying and pouting that he didn't get his way?!?! Well, then for God's sake (and I mean that sincerely) why in the world are some of YOU crying and whining that you can't get your way???
Listen, I hate to burst your bubble, but despite the fact that I believe we were birthed as a Christian nation at the heart; the political process has rarely been a very tidy process. George Washington was very nearly deified as a great war hero and general, and thus ran unopposed as our first president. Our new nation was giddy with joy over our new status in the world, but we got over it quickly. Politics has been down and dirty ever since then when Thomas Jefferson's opponents claimed there would be murder, rape and insanity in the streets if he was elected.
It is the height of childish immaturity to go stick our heads in the sand now if we can't have Mike Huckabee as president. To simply stay home on election day is to simply ALLOW Hillary or Obama to waltz into office. And we know things will be SO much better if we let that happen. "That will teach the Republican party to turn it's nose up at OUR candidate!!!"

So are you telling me you are going to teach the GOP for snubbing Mike Huckabee by allowing THAT to happen?
I can't guarantee what kind of justices McCain will nominate, but what chance do we have if Hillary or Obama get to make the choices??
Even Mike Huckabee himself has stated he will support the McCain campaign and work to keep the GOP united.
So get OFF your high horse fellow believers. It's okay to be disappointed, but if you act like spoiled brats who can't have their way come November, you are NO BETTER than an 8-year-old child who cries and takes his ball home because the game isn't going his way.
Sorry if my words or graphics annoy. But I seriously don’t know how to say it any differently to some of the people I’ve heard “whine” about Mike Huckabee not being the GOP standard bearer. I think they need to be shocked back to reality. We are talking about politics, NOT the church.
I greatly desire that good, God fearing churchmen (and women) will have a heavy influence in our political process. But we don’t require that all our policemen, judges or doctors all be former pastors … likewise, it is pure folly to think all our politicians should be as well.
GET A GRIP, CHRISTIANS!!! Or get used to the idea of Hillary Clinton or Obama in office next year.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Oh please, please, PLEASE God, don't let Romney win!
I knew it was bad, but after seeing this, I don't know if this man has two scruples to rub together...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Who should I vote for for president in 2008?
I've taken several online presidential tests which are supposed to test which candidate is most closely aligned with my political leanings. Without fail, each time Mike Huckabee has come to the top of the list for me. However, I've recently run across one that is obviously run by a liberal pollster, yet resulted in the same top-tier candidate for me. The "unedited" results of my most recent test are below ... not that I concur with the characterizations they paint of my top choices.
Take the test here ... even if the comments might be a little biased.
![]() | Mike Huckabee - 76 match Mike Huckabee is a socially conservative Governor of Arkansas who was recognized as one of America's best governors by Time magazine. He was instrumental in providing health insurance for more than 70,000 uninsured children but conservatives resent the 5 tax increases he supported during his tenure (though one was court-ordered) and his endorsement for legal and illegal foreign workers. As a Southern Baptist minister he abhors abortion and same-sex marriage/unions and advocates for allowing public schools to teach Creationism and Intelligent Design. The death penalty, the War in Iraq, the troop surge, and the operation of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp all receive Huckabee's continued support. |
![]() | Duncan Hunter - 71 match Congratulations! You and Duncan Hunter are socially conservative nativists! Hunter is a conservative Republican Congressman from California who is big on unborn babies but not immigrants. He best known in congress for his prominent role in constructing a 14-mile double fence along the US-Mex border and introducing the Right to Life Act, which would give constitutional rights to anything that develops after the moment of conception. Unlike many Republicans, he opposes free trade because he says it poses a threat to American manufacturing and creates a huge trade deficit. To discourage trade, he has proposed a law that allows American companies to use "exchange-rate manipulation" as an excuse to receive protection under America's trade laws. |
![]() | Sam Brownback - 67 match As an "economically, fiscally, and socially compassionate conservative," Sam Brownback is the candidate for you! The fiercely right-wing Senator from Kansas lets his religion guide his policy agenda- especially towards foreigners. He is best known for his unrelenting crusade against the genocide in Darfur and world-wide sex-trafficking. In a moment of particular compassionate, he co-sponsored a 2006 bipartisan immigration bill that branded him "Amnesty Sam" by critical conservatives and he later abandoned the cause. But there's no compassion for homosexuals, the porn industry, or women seeking abortions. Brownback's high-profile war against these groups has also put him in the spotlight. |
Take the test here ... even if the comments might be a little biased.
I love Michael Ramirez!!!
Years ago, I wanted to be a cartoonist with a strip in the funny pages. Later, I liked the idea trying my hand at editorial cartooning. I was decent at both types of cartooning, but didn't make it to the big leagues. However, I still love the craft. Just recently, I think I've found a master at it. Michael Ramirez is my new favorite editorial cartoonist. I've reposted some of his better stuff below. But you can find more at:
Taking on McCain...

So WHO is this Obama guy, and why does anyone think he's so special????

Great observation of the donkey party in general...
Finally, Michael's got some brilliant analysis of Hillary's qualifications and campaign practices ... and does it all with just a couple of words and some great drawing skills...

Taking on McCain...

So WHO is this Obama guy, and why does anyone think he's so special????

Great observation of the donkey party in general...

Monday, December 17, 2007
Merry CHRISTmas from Mike Huckabee
Hey, what a concept! Did anyone out there know that Christ had anything to do with Christmas!?! I never knew that there was a religious component to the "Holiday Season!" Who knew!?! Seems like the media is all besides themselves with issues of a floating cross being used in a Christmas message about Christ!
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