Oddly, tho she is a fully-grown young lady with a good head on her shoulders, as a dad, I still feel about the same as I did a short 8 years ago when she was just 14 and taking her first trip out of the country.
At that time, it was just a short missions trip with our church youth group to Mexico. I knew the leader of the group, and trusted him. Yet the thought of MY child being so far away, and ME being unable to physically intervene in any kind of emergency just wasn't a comforting feeling. And it still isn't today. Which is probably why I tracked her flight using a web based tracking site. The graphic above shows her flight just as is was leaving the Northern American continent.
Funny, you count the days until they can grow up, leave the nest, and take care of themselves. Then when it comes, you wish you had those old days back again.
Inconsistency, thy name is Dad.